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Senin, 29 Juni 2015
Radio Silver 1 dan 2 Radio Conion.
Radio Silver dan Radio Conion.
# Radio Silver 3 Band (SW1-2 & MW)
Kondisi speaker rusak / berkarat, hardboard bagian bawah dan samping hilang.
Part utuh anggap mati. Antena putus.
Buat Pajangan saja.
# Radio Conion 2 Band SW1-2.
Kondisi hidup kresek kresek
Ada Antena tp sudah di modif jd MW. SW tdk bunyi..
Kondisi tanpa antena, pcb bagian kanan ujung patah.
Part masih ori utuh, dianggap mati.
Dijual dengan kondisi apa adanya.
IDR.350.000,- belum termasuk ongkos kirim.
Cocok buat pajangan...

# Radio Silver 3 Band (SW1-2 & MW)
Kondisi speaker rusak / berkarat, hardboard bagian bawah dan samping hilang.
Part utuh anggap mati. Antena putus.
Buat Pajangan saja.
# Radio Conion 2 Band SW1-2.
Kondisi hidup kresek kresek
Ada Antena tp sudah di modif jd MW. SW tdk bunyi..
Kondisi tanpa antena, pcb bagian kanan ujung patah.
Part masih ori utuh, dianggap mati.
Dijual dengan kondisi apa adanya.
IDR.350.000,- belum termasuk ongkos kirim.
Cocok buat pajangan...

Minggu, 28 Juni 2015
Butterfly Kerosene Pressure Stove # 2412
Butterfly Kerosene Pressure Stove 2412.
Kondisi NOS
Minus : 3 tiang penyangganya tidak ada dan boxnya sudah rusak.
Sold as is..
IDR 375.000,- belum termasuk ongkir dan packing kayu.
The Butterfly #2412 Brass Pressure stove is made from solid brass. It can be disassembled, sealed, and carried in a backpack. Like pressurized kerosene lanterns, pressure stoves must be pre-heated with a couple teaspoons of denatured alcohol. The burning alcohol heats the brass burner, then when you start pumping, the kerosene rises inside the burner and vaporizes. The kerosene vapor catches fire and the stove starts. Once started, the heat from the flame keeps the burner hot enough to continue the vaporization process, plus the fuel in the tank warms enough to keep the stove pressurized, so you often don't need to pump.
Included with your brass stove are 3 removable stove supports, 3 pick tools for cleaning, a wrench to disassemble the burner, and a brass cap that seals the tank when the burner assembly is removed. The tank is shown in the sealed position. The cap, when removed, attaches to the end of the pump so it doesn't get lost.
Spec :
It holds .9 litres of fuel. Height is 21cm (8.25 inches), width 20cm (7.9 inches), weight 1.25kg (2 lbs 12 oz), heat output maximum of 9000 btuh. It will burn over 3 hours on a tank of fuel.
Kondisi NOS
Minus : 3 tiang penyangganya tidak ada dan boxnya sudah rusak.
Sold as is..
IDR 375.000,- belum termasuk ongkir dan packing kayu.
The Butterfly #2412 Brass Pressure stove is made from solid brass. It can be disassembled, sealed, and carried in a backpack. Like pressurized kerosene lanterns, pressure stoves must be pre-heated with a couple teaspoons of denatured alcohol. The burning alcohol heats the brass burner, then when you start pumping, the kerosene rises inside the burner and vaporizes. The kerosene vapor catches fire and the stove starts. Once started, the heat from the flame keeps the burner hot enough to continue the vaporization process, plus the fuel in the tank warms enough to keep the stove pressurized, so you often don't need to pump.
Included with your brass stove are 3 removable stove supports, 3 pick tools for cleaning, a wrench to disassemble the burner, and a brass cap that seals the tank when the burner assembly is removed. The tank is shown in the sealed position. The cap, when removed, attaches to the end of the pump so it doesn't get lost.
Spec :
It holds .9 litres of fuel. Height is 21cm (8.25 inches), width 20cm (7.9 inches), weight 1.25kg (2 lbs 12 oz), heat output maximum of 9000 btuh. It will burn over 3 hours on a tank of fuel.
Jumat, 26 Juni 2015
Selasa, 23 Juni 2015
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